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Request a free property appraisal
How much is your property worth?
Fill in the form and our team will contact you to arrange an inspection of your property. The property appraisal will give you a fair estimate how much your property is worth in line with the current market trends and conditions, with the aim of selling it.
Why seek the help of Blueberries 22 Holdings Ltd for property appraisal ?
Our experienced and qualified team will be in a measure to strike a balance between the price desired by an owner – very often higher than the property’s real value – and the price that a potential buyer would be realistically willing to be. It is worth noting that an overestimated real estate property will not only dissuade potential buyers but will also deflate its actual value over time.
Blueberries 22 Holdings Ltd neither overestimate nor underestimate; we commit to ensure a trustworthy, accurate, and fair appraisal of your property.